Tuesday, December 25, 2007

lasf;sf nflu P]ltxfl;s / ;fdflhs cj/f]w

–l;h{gf clwsf/L

/f]dg ;Eotf, o'gfgL ;Eotf, rLgsf] u|]6sfnLg ;Eotf , ef/lto e"lddf las;Lt df]x]Ghf]bf/f]sf] ;Eotf / cGo laZjsf s}of}+ rlr{t ;Eotf sfd ug]{x?sf] cfkm\g} kf}/vjf6 las;Lt ePsf x'g\ . Oltxf;sf lasf;x? cWoog ubf{ tL ;kmntfsf k5f8L /fhg}lts l:y/tf , sfd k|ltsf] k|ltj4tf / ;xL g]t[Tjsf dhj't e"ldsf g} k|yd dflgG5g\ . hj tLg dWo] Ps sdhf]/ eP tL ;Eotfx? ljlng x'Fb} , eTsb} / lasf; k|s[of /f]ls+b} uof] . o'/f]ksf] k'g{hfu/0f sfnaf6 z'? ePsf] ;Qf jlu{o 4G4 , wfdL{s 4G4 , / hgtf /fhf / k'hf/L aLrsf] 4G4sf sf/0f la1fg , ul0ft , ;f}/ d08n , / ;+rf/ h:tf If]qdf lasf; ug'{ kg]{ jfWotf eof] . clwsfFz lasf; /fHosf] s]lGb|s[t zlQmnfO{ ;'/lIft agfpg g} k|of]u ul/Psf] kfO{G5 .

kl5Nnf] ;dodf lasf;nfO{ las]lGb|t ug{ yflnPsf] kfO{G5 . /fHon] lzIff, :jf:Yo , /f]huf/nfO{ j9L dxTj lbg yfn]sf] 5 . k|yd laZj o'4 cuf8L lasf;sf] :jfb /fhfnfO{ dfq lyof] Tof] cj elTsof] , PSn} :jfb lng rfxg]x? k|foM ;dfKt eO;s]sf] 5g\ . oyfy{df /fHosf ;Ldfx? elTs;s]sf 5g\ , b]zx?n] clxn] nueu k|fGt h:tf] k|s[tL b]vfpg yfn]sf] 5 t/ g]kfn h:tf t];|f] d'n'sx? cem klg las6tf , u/LjL / cefjx?jf6 u'lh|/xg' k/]sf] 5 o;sf laleGg P]ltxf;Ls , ;fdfhLs , dgf]j}1fgLs sf/0fx? b]lvPsf 5g\ .

!_ zlQsf] ;|f]tdf dfg;Ls ljrngM

g]kfnsf] zlQmsf] ;|f]t elgPsf /fhf / /f0ffdf laleGg ls;Ldsf] kl/jt{g cfPsf] b]lvG5 . 36gfqmd cWoog ubf{ pgLx? laZj kl/j]z cg';f/ cuf8L j9\g grfx]sf] t/ lab]zL nfO{ ;fy glnOsg klg ;Qf jrfpg ;lsGg eGg] /fd|/L hfg]sf b]lvG5g\ .o'/f]kn] zlQm hgtfdf lbg afWo x'g yfn]sf] j]nfdf g]kfnsf] /f0ffsfndf zlQm s]lGb|s/0fnfO{ dhj't jgfpg yflnof] . /fhf / /f0f jLrsf] ;dfgfGt/ zlQmnfO{ cfkm\g] ks8df jgfO{/fVg b'j}n] ;o jif{ Ps csf{;Fu n8fO{ n8]sf 5g\ . cfkm\gf] k|lt4GbL x6fpg Æb'lgofF k|of]u u/Æ eGg] ;+:s[tL g} g]kfnL ;Qfdf j:g yfNof] . /f0ffn] la|l6; k|of]u u/] ToxL l;sf] l;Sb} tTsfnLg 4G4df xf]ldPsf kf6Lx?n] lbNnL k|of]u u/], To; kl5 z'? eof] pkof]ujfbL l;4fGt, rLgsf] pkof]u ?; pkof]u , cd]l/sfsf] pkof]u, ;dfhjfbL pkof]u, lg/+s'z pkof]u, k"hLjfbL pkof]u , b]zsf] ljsf; ug{ eGbf klg ;Qf k|fKt ug{ / l6sfpg dfq pkof]u eof] / ;Fw} g} Pp6fnfO{ csf]{n] bdg ul//x\of] .

clxn] b]zdf s'g} kf6L{nfO{ s'g} g s'g} b]zsf] ;dy{g k|fKt 5 , Ps kf6L{n] csf]{ kf6L{sf] pkof]u t];|f] zlQmzfnLnfO{ x/fpg k|of]u u/]sf] 5 . cfgGb tl/sfn] jflx/L b]zsf dfG5]x? g]kfn cfP/ cfkm\g} b]zdf h:tf] k|ltlqmof AoQm ub{5g\ t/ b]z slt ;Dd r'k j;]sf] 5 <

zlQmsf] ;|f]t sxfF 5 < /fhf , /f0ff kf6L{x? jf hgtf s;sf] xftdf zlQm /x]sf] 5 eGg] :ki6 ePsf] 5}g\ . h;n] ubf{ clxn]sf] cj:yfdf /fhf / /f0ff , /fhf / kf6L{ , kf6L{ / kf6L{ , Ps ;+:yf / csf]{ ;+:yf x"Fb} pkof]u lgtL AolQm / csf]{ JolQmsf] txdf k'lu;s]sf] 5 . cfkm' cuf8L j9\g k|lt:kwf{ ug'{k5{ eGg] efjgf x}g ls csf]{sf] 7fpF s;/L k|fKt ug{ ;lsG5 eGg]] WofpGg dfq 5 . To;sf] nflu Pp6fn] csf]{sf] xftjf6 vf]:g} k5{ h;n] ubf{ ;du|df pknJwL ;'Go g} x'g]5 . g]kfnL AolQmut dfgl;stf clkm|sfdf 8'Ng] h+unL s's'/ h:t} x'g] lbzf tkm{ cuf8L j9L /x]sf] 5 h;n] cfkm'n] lzsf/ ug{' eGbf klg c?n] u/]sf] lzsf/ rf]/]/ / em'SofP/ vfG5 of] ;du| k|j[tL xf] . of] v/fj dfgl;s larng g} g]kfnL ;dfhsf] ;d:of jg]sf] 5 .

e'd08nLs/0fn] v8f u/]sf] zlQm/fi6|x?sf] lqm8fynf]

g]kfn nufot t];|f] laZjsf d'n'sx? cfh wgL b]zsf] eljiosf ;fdl/s :jfy{df hsl8Psf 5g\ . rLg h:tf] 7'nf] e'efu ePsf] ;dfhjfbL d'n's / OlG8of h:tf] lazfn e'efu ePsf] d'n'ssf] jLrdf g]kfn ePsf] x'gfn] g]kfnnfO{ cfwfl/t jgfP/ Ps w|'ljo laZj lgdf{0f ug{ vf]lh/x]sf] cd]l/sf / cd]l/sfnfO{ r'gf}tL lbg cuf8L j9L/x]sf] o'/f]lkog o'lgogsf] :jfy{ clg ef/t / rLg larsf] r'krfk ls;Ldsf] 4G4 clg tL b'j} b]zsf] g]kfndf cfwf/ jgfP/ ef/t / lrgsf la?4df rflng] x/]s sbddf g]kfn g} d}bfgL e'dL /xL cfPsf] 5 . oxfFsf ;f]Rg] efF8f]x?nfO{ k|of]u u/]/ xfdLdfly cfvf ufl8/x]sf b]zx?n] kf6L{x? , larf/x? , ;dfh clg lgtL / :jfy{ laefhg ul/lbPsf] 5 . Tof] cj:yf g} lab]zLx?sf] nflu ;xh x'G5 / oxL df}sf g} xf] ls hxfF ljb]zLx?n] ;xhtfsf ;fy v]Ng ;s"g . g]kfn lab]zLx? v]Ngsf nflu lajfb /lxt / zflGtk"0f{ /x]sf] 5 .

jfx\ jF'b], cgldg, o'/f]lkog o'lgog, ljZj a}+s , Pl;ofnL lasf; a}+s slt ;'Gb/ gfd jf]s]/ cfpg yfn]sf 5g\ hxfF jf6 cl:y/tfsf ls6f0f'x? k|j]z ub{5g\ . lehg / ld;g b'j}jf6 cflTds ?kn] cefj u|:t ePsf] g]kfnL ;dfhsf] g]t[Tj s'O/fsf] sfu em}+ ePsf] 5 . lajfb / lagf;sf] ;+qmd0fjf6 u'lh|Psf] g]kfn jfd] ;g]{ 5fF6 t b]vfpg ;S5 t/ ;ts{tf eg] cTofaZos g} /x]sf] 5 .

l;h{gf clwsf/L
7]ufgf M Sofykmf]8{ O{lGhlgol/ª sn]h , Ujfsf]{

;'N6f] e' /fhg}lts ofqf ;'N6f] e' /fhg}lts ofqf ;'N6f] e' /fhg}lts ofqf

• dfwj k|;fb clwsf/L

clwsf+z g]kfnsf la4fgx?n] b]zsf] lasf;sf nflu pN6f] e'/fhg}lts ofqf to ug]{ ;'emfj lbG5g\\ .t/ obL g]kfnn] lasf; ug]{ xf] eg] cjsf lbgx?df ;'N6f] e'/fhg}lts ofqfsf] to ug{ cfjZos 5 h;df kxf8 x}g t/fO{ lx+8f} , ufpF x}g zx/ hfcf} / :jb]zdf j;]/ jjf{bLdf ;do latfpg' eGbf s]xL l;Sgsf nflu lab]z hfcf} .

!_ kxf8 x}g t/fO{ lx8f}+
j9L >d / sd pJhgL , lasfz ug{ dx+uf] , lasf;sf k'jf{wf/ agfpg s7Lg cflb sf/0fn] kxf8 t];|f] laZjsf nflu c;xh alg/x]sf] 5 . t/fO{df jif{e/L vfgfsf] nflu ul/g] >dsf] t'ngfdf bf]Jj/ >d kxf8df ug]{ xf] eg] ^ dlxgf dfq vfg k'U5 . 6f9f 6f9f 5l/Psf j:tLn] ubf{ hgtfdf lasf;sf] kx"Fr k'/\ofpg c;xh e}/x]sf] 5 . lasf;sf] kl/If0f ug{ / bft[ lgsfosf nflu y]]l;; k]k/ tof/ ug{ kxf8df cf]O{l/Psf] k};fsf] vf]nf] kxf8 eTsfpg dfq s]lGb|t 5 . dx+uLsf] t emg s'/} gu/f}+ . kxf8df lgdf{0f ;fdflu|sf] d"No dfq g} s}of} u'0ff a9L /x]sf] 5 h;n] ubf{ kxf8L lasf; t/fO{df ul/g] lasf; eGbf w]/} k|ltzt dx+uf] x'g cfpF5 . l;ldt JolQmx?n] ug]{ cfDbfgLnfO{ 5f]8\g] xf] eg] kxf8df k};fsf] >f]t eg]sf] ljb]zLn] lbPsf] bf; jgfpg] k|s[tLsf] k};f] / j}b]lzs /f]huf/L g} xf] . :yfoL >f]t l;ldt JolQmsf xftdf dfq 5 . dx+uf] ePsf sf/0f dflg;x? pkef]Uo a:t'sf] pkef]u ug{] clwsf/jf6 jl~rt /xFb} cfPsf 5g\ . o'/f]lkog / :jLlhNof08sf] pbfx/0f lb+b} c?0f j/fnn] To:t} b'Mv ug]{ ;Nnfx lbg' ePsf] 5 . cj xfdL kxf8df To:t} x'g] sNkgf u/]/ j:5f}+ eg] Tof] cfbz{jfbL / sNkgfsf] ;+;f/ dfq x'g]5 . pgLx? lrNnf ;8sdf lx8\5g\ t/ km';|f ;8s jgfpg dfq k};f lbG5g\ , pgLx? yf]kf cf}iflw / gbL tg{ l3ln{ª agfpg] k};f lbG5g\ t/ 8fS6/ OlGhlgo/ cfkm\g} b]zdf nfG5g\ . lab]zLn] kxf8nfO{ las;Lt agfpnfg eg]/ lbPsf] k};fn] lasf; x'g ;Sg] 5fF6 b]lvGg . lasf;] s'6lgtLjf6 lab]zL cfkm}n] dfq kmfObf lnPsf 5g\ . s]xL cfOPglhcf] / Pglhcf] sf dfG5]x? wgL jgfpg' jfx]s , lab]zLx?nfO{ kxf8] lgZrntfsf] /;f:jfbg u/fpg' jfx]s / s]xL 7'nf 7fn'nfO{ kmfObf k'/\ofpg' afx]s kxf8] lasf;sf] pknJwL vf;} b]lvGg .

aftfj/0f elTsPsf] 5, slxNo} gk'luPsf e'uf]nx? lab]zLnfO{ l;Q}df 8'Ng lbOPsf] 5 , g]kfnL e'uf]nsf s0f s0fsf] uf]klgotf e+u ePsf] 5 , wd{ k|rf/sf gfddf k'/fgf ;+/rgf / ;+:s[tL eTsfpg nufO{Psf] 5 . xfdL ef]sfx? nfO{ s]xL lbP/ jnfTs[t ul/Psf] 5 . of] lab]zLx?n] lbPsf] lasf;sf] k|ltkmn xf] .

s] To;f] eP kxf8 cle;fk xf] t< kxf8 cle;fk x'g} ;Sb}g . xfdLn] kxf8sf k|To]s 8fF8fnfO{ bflh{lnª jgfpg ;S5f}+ . xfdLn] kxf8sf] xl/ofnLnfO{ hf]ufP/ ko{6sLo If]q jgfpg ;S5f}+ . clxn] kxf8df ul/g] vr{sf] s]xL k|ltzt dfq ko{6g pBf]udf 5'6\ofpg] xf] eg] /fd|f] ko{6sLo ;+;f/sf] lgdf{0f ug{ ;lsG5 / jfFsL k};f 5l/Psf j:tL Plss[t ug{ jf t/fOdf a:tL :yfgfGt/0f ug{ k|of]u ug{ ;S5f}+ . j:tL :yfgfGt/0f k|s[of hl6n 5 , ;dofjwL j9L nfU5 t/ of] k|ls|of kxf8nfO{ :jLlhNof08 jgfpg] sNkgf eGbf eg] c;fWo} ;xh xf]nf . xfdLn] g]kfn ;/sf/ s} k};fjf6 s'g} :yfgnfO{ kfOn6 k|f]h]S6sf] ?kdf lsg z'? ug]{ cfF6 ub}{gf}+ . uf]/f 5fnfsf] lbdfudf dfq ljZjfz ug]{ bf; dfgl;stf xfdL lsg x6fpg ;Sb}gf}+ < xfdL s]xL ;fgf pbfx/0fsf] kl5 gnfuL Pp6f 7'nf] pbfx/0fsf] ljsf; ug{ cuf8L j9\g' /fd|f] x'g]5 .

z}lIfs s]Gb|x?sf] lasf; / ko{6g pBf]usf] d}bfgdf dfq l;ldt u/]/ kxf8L zx/df afx]s lasf;nfO{ of]hgfj4 tl/sfn] t/fO{df Plss[t ug{ ;s]df lasf;sf] clwsf/jf6 hgtfx? jl~rt x'b}g lyP . To;}n] Pp6f Plss[t gf/f x'g ;S5 Æk'j{ , klZrd / pQ/ x}g blIf0f kmsf}{ .æ

@_ ufpF x}g zx/ hfcf}+

clwsf+z la4fgx?n] g]tfx?sf] pbfx/0f lbP/ pgLx?n] zx/df 3/ jgfPsf]df u'gf;f] ug]{ ub{5g\ . ;'ljwf ;j}nfO{ rflxG5, g]tfx? klg xfdL h:t} dflg; x'g\ , pgLx?df klg dflg;sf] :jfyL{ lhg /x]sf] x'G5 , hDd} g]tfx? xf]lr ldGx / uf}td j'4 h:tf] TofuL x'b}gg\ . gofF ;'lawfsf] pkef]u ug{ vf]Hg' pgLx?sf] cflTds clwsf/ klg xf] . hgtfn] cfjfh p7fP/ pgLx?sf] clwsf/sf] xgg\ ug{ x'Gg a? tL jf}l4s dflg;x? lsg zx/ k;] eGg] Wofg lbg'k5{ lsgsL pgLx?nfO{ yfxf of] 5 ls oyfy{ lasf; ufpF slxNo} k'Ug ;Sb}g\ .

c:ktfn 6f9f , :s'n 6f9f , ;/sf/L sfof{nox? 6f9f , ljsf; 6f9f, lah'nL 6f9f, 6]lnkmf]g 6f9f , slt cdfgjLo 9+ujf6 u'lh|/x]sf 5g\ dflg;x? . zx/sf dfG5]x? s] sNkgf ug{ ;S5g\ o:tf cefjx?df afFRg . cj dfgf}+ lasf; uof] , s] x'G5 x]/f}+ c:ktfn 5 8fS6/ / cf}iflw 5}g , :s"n 5 df:6/ ,8]:s , j]~r 5}g , lah'nL eP lknlkn 5, ;/sf/L sfof{nox? 5g\ :jfoQtf 5}g, lsgsL xfdL;Fu ;xL lasf; ug{ k};f / >f]t 5}g . To;}n] ufpFdf ljsf; 5 eg] em'Sofpg] lasf; dfq 5 . ufpFnfO{ ceb|;Fu Jojxf/ ug'{ eGbf ufpFsf] j:tLnfO{ ;'ljwf ;DkGg zx/ lt/ :yfgfGt/0f ug]{ k|of; ug'{ clxn]sf] ufpFdf vGofOPsf] jh]6 ;b'kof]u ug]{ tl/sf xf] . hgtf ;'ljwfjf6 jl~rt x'g' gk/f];\ . Ps lbgdf ul/g] >d / k;Lgfjf6 hlt zxl/ofx? cfglGbt x'G5g\ clxn] ufpFdf si6;fWo lhjg ljtfO/x]sf JolQmut zl//x?n] klg TotLsf] cfgGb kfpg' k5{ . lasf;nfO{ ef}uf]lns s]lGb|s/0f ug{sf nflu Pp6f lhNnfdf lglZrt t/ of]hgfj4 a:tLx? lasf; ug{ ;lsG5 . To;f] ePdf dfq vfg]kfgL , lzIff , :jf:Yo , lah'nL oftfoft h:tf cfwf/e"t lasf;jf6 k|To]s hgtfnfO{{ nfe k'/\ofpg ;lsG5 .

#_ lab]z hfg] ls ghfg]+

lab]z hfg x'Gg , b]zsf] dfof ug'{k5{, b]zsf nflu n8\g'k5{ eGg] Psfb]zsf /fhf dxf/fhfn] yf]kl/lbPsf] bf; r]tgf xf] . Tof] r]tgf /fhfx?sf] /fHo ug]{ cf}hf/ lyof] cj o; j'emfO{nfO{ clnslt ;'wf/ ug{ cfjZos 5 . gofF s'/f] l;Sg ljb]z hfcf}+ , b]znfO{ tfls{s dfof u/f}+, cfkm\gf] ;d'bfo / e'uf]ndf ePsf] k|fs[lts >f]tsf] nflu n8f}+ .

dflg;x? pkef]QmfafbL ePsf 5g\ t/ pgLx?;Fu k};f 5}g\ , k};f sdfpg b]zdf snsf/vfgf 5}g . kfvf leQfdf j/flnP/ lx8\g'eGbf , sfd klg l;lsg] gofF lasf; klg b]lvg] / s]xL k};fsf] hf]xf] klg x'g] x'gfn] clxn]sf] cjZyfdf ljb]z g} g]kfnLx?sf] nflu pko'{Qm sd{ynf] xf]. lab]znfO{ 3[0ff ug]{ cfbz{n] ef]sf] k]6 c3fpg ;Sb}g . oyfy{df dfG5]x?sf] b]z ToxL xf] hxfF pm /xg ;xh dxz'z ub{5 . s;}n] g]kfn zfGt eP klg lab]zdf g} j:g ;xh dxz'z ug{ ;Snf , sf]xL g]kfn czfGt eP klg lab]z dg gk/]/ g]kfn g} kms]{sf pbfx/0fx? 5g\ . xfd|f] laZn]if0f oyfy{ x'g'k5{ , / g]kfnLx?sf] lab]z k|ltsf] cfsif{0fsf] cWoog x'g h?/L 5 . dfG5]x?sf] cl;ldt cfjZostf, gofF k|fKt ug]{ rfxgf, cgf}7f] ug{ vf]Hg] p;sf] jfgL o;sf sf/0fx? x'g ;S5g\ h'g k|fKt ug{ g]kfndf plrt jftfj/0f / cjZyf /x]sf] 5}g .

b]zdf gofF ;+/rgf t jGg vf]h]sf] 5 t/ dfgl;stf kl/jlt{t x'g ;s]sf] 5}g . km/flsnf] nIo af]s]sf dfG5]x?sf] ;Qf 5}g, u'nfdL ug]{x?sf] sfd jG5 , b]z rfs8Ljfhn] 3]l/Psf] 5 , hxfFtxL c/fhstf , gftfjfb s[kfjfb 5 ;f]emf]sf] enf] 5}g\ , sfdsf] ;Ddfg 5}g, lk/fld8 h:tf] rfs8Ljfh 5 , o:tf] lg/fzfhgs cjZyfdf klg dfG5]x? ;xL kl/jt{g ug{ nflu /x]sf 5g\ . hf] o:tf s'l/tLnfO{ rfxb}gg\ / o;sf la?4 n8fO{ n8\g klg rfxb}gg\ ltgLx? lab]z k:5g\ / jfFsL ;x]/ j:5g\ jf To:t} lqmofsnfkdf km:5g\ . ;x]/ j:g' jf To:t} lqmofsnfkdf km:g' eGbf t lab]z hfg' g} >]o:s/ x'G5 lg .

t/ Ps lbg lab]z hfg gkg]{ cjZyf klg cfpg]5 hlt j]nf zf;sx?n] hgtfsf] dxTjnfO{ j'em\b5g\ . jjf{bLdf ;do latfpg' eGbf lab]zdf uP/ s]xL l;s]/ cfcf}+ . jt{dfg cjZyfdf Æ;'N6f] e'–/fhlglts ofqfæ s} to u/f}+ .

dfwj k|;fb clwsf/L

cuf8L j9L/x]sf] 4G4 / cfufdL r'gfj

g]kfn b]zsf] ?kdf 5 < eg]/ k|Zg ug{ yflnPsf] 5 . k[lYj gf/fo0f zfxsf] /fHo la:tf/sf] rfxgf, To; jvtsf hgtfx?4f/f ;fgf /fHox?sf] hgtf ePsf] sf/0f v]lkPsf] x}/fgL , ;d'Gb| kf/jf6 g]kfn r9\g vf]lh/x]sf] Dn]5 hftL tyf ltJjt4f/f g]kfnsf /fHodfly af/Djf/ ug{ vf]lhPsf] xdnf cflbsf sf/0f k[lYj gf/fo0f zfxsf] g]kfn Plss/0f k|of; 7Ls lyof] eg]/ ;f]Rg ;lsG5 . t/ tL /fHox? Plss/0f gePsf eP s] x'g] lyof] eg]/ ul0ftLo z'q h:t} 7\ofSs} eGg g;lsg] x'gfn] Plss/0fsf] k|of; ;xL eg]/ bfjL ug{ eg] ;lsGg .

dfS;{jfbL lab|f]xLsf] g]t[Tjdf hj g]kfndf %@ ;fnjf6 ;Qf lab|f]xsf] yfngL eof] tj j}rfl/s xnrn g]kfnsf tNnf] :t/sf cgk9 hgtfx? ;fd";Dd k'Uof] . To;n] slxNo} gvf]tlnPsf Joyfx? , jf:tljstfx? zf]if0f / bdgsf j/]df hgtfdf ;r]ttf hufOlbof] . ljb|f]xdf kf6L g]t[Tjsf] j}rfl/s / bfz{lgs xf/ eof] t/ cfd'n hgtfx?sf] j}rfl/s lht ePsf] 5 . pgLx?n] clwsf/ dfUg'k5{ eg]/ hfGg yfn]sf 5g\ . cfkm\gf] e'uf]nsf] ;Dkbf cfkm\gf] zl//sf] zfl/l/s \>d , cfkm\gf] duhsf] dfgl;s >d zf]if0fsf] lj/f]w ug{ yfn]sf 5g\ . 4G4sf] ;sf/fTds kIf g} oxL b]lvPsf] 5 .

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O{= dfwjk|;fb clwsf/L
email: jiban.sharma@gmail.com

Friday, November 2, 2007

Approach to the Point

Approach to the Point
· Madhav Prasad Adhikari

Both The party Nepali Congress and CPN (Maoist) are debating with each other neglecting the wish of people and progress of new Nepal. If the both party would go to the logical way then they should go to poll as people were demanding all out proportional representation election and monarchy also has the right how many citizens are towards this organization.

The eight party alliances should not be crack and explore many alternatives and this parliament gathering must be successful to find out new result. The upcoming assembly house would decide both the issues unmistakably and grasp this state of affairs towards bright future of Nepal. If this opportunity also goes from the hand of eight party alliances in that case the future of the Nepal will be pain for next many years so our leaders please move toward the meeting point.

· Madhav Prasad Adhikari

Ph no.9841852636

Improve Old Transit Route

Improve Old Transit Route

§ Madhav Prasad Adhikari

It had been Long time business connection between Nepal and Bangladesh with the kakarvitta-Phulbari-Bngalabandh. But Nepal has not utilized fully this route for the business. Due to the narrow and damage road and limited movement of commercial liners, delivery risk and other additional cost, Nepali Businessmen are in trouble. For the side of Nepali businessman, the trade route and the operating modality of the carriage should be improved. So the government and Nepal chamber of commerce should emphasize to improve the old route instead of searching new route.

Er. Madhav Prasad Adhikari
Now: Lalitpur

(Ph no.9841852636

First peace then other issues

First peace then other issues
Madhav Prasad Adhikari

Two proposals, election based on all out proportional representation and early republic announce by parliament, registered by CPN-M is not the main issues for us. The main issue is whether both CPN-M and government are really willing to implement agreement or not on the issues which had been committed by both side.

Nepali people are waiting whether they focuses on sustaining and deepening the peace process and approaches to the logical point. So all party do not argue for your self-interest but only for harmony. First guarantee logical and justice peace then decide only election.

People's Right to Development.

People's Right to Development.
· Madhav Pd Adhikari

Nepal is a developing country with a population of 25 million and relatively poor per-capita resources. It is suffering a long insurgency and the underdevelopment for a long time. The right to exist and develop thus historically became the urgent demand of the Nepali people. There are not any indications which give the basic policy of continually improving the people's right to existence and development on the basis of economic development
Only the sustained, quick and healthy growth of Nepalese economy can change the level of Nepalese overall social development and conspicuously improved the right to existence and development of the Nepalese people.
The incomes of urban residents have increased steadily. Nepal's urban residents are close to living a comfortable life according to their level of consumption. The majority of rural residents have not enough food and clothing and their consumption patterns have been decreases. There is also unequal economic development between rural areas and urban areas because of natural conditions and bad governmental Policy.
Nepal should taken basic principle for developing her economy considering to both efficiency and fairness. While some areas and some people have been developed then government should give the priority for the poor areas and people, so that all the people in the country will ultimately become prosperous. Therefore, the government should to help the hilly areas to develop their economy, raise the living standard of the people.
The state should help poor areas build an infrastructure of water, electricity and roads, improve the ecological environment and basic production and living conditions, and build stable and high-yield farmland despite drought or excessive rain.. Various circles and people's organizations in Nepal forced to play an active part in aiding the poor in different ways.
Even so, the work of aiding the poor in Nepal is still a long-term and arduous task. At present, 35% of people do not have enough food and clothing. Most of them are living in the mountainous area, desolate, high and cold areas, and in hilly region where only scatter villagers are stay and in areas where endemic diseases rage. More must be done to help these people get away from poverty. More arduous circumstance confront to the government.
At present, Nepal is drawing up the tenth Five-Year Plan and three year plan for National Economic and Social Development. Objectives have taken to enable the Nepalese people to realize their right to existence and development on a higher level and broader scope than before.

Er. Madhav Prasad Adhikari
Ph no 9841852636)